
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Moving Madness, Part II

The chaos continues, but we only have one carload left! Woohoo!!

We've been going non-stop since Friday, putting over 100 miles on the car with all the trips back and forth. We're all exhausted and more than a little sick of it all, but it's all good.

I've missed blogging, but just about the only breaks we've been taking have been are for meals and some days, barely even that. Heck, even going to work the last two days has been a welcome break!

I have managed to cook two meals in our new house so far - marinara sauce and meatballs from the freezer (I really need to keep more freezer meals on hand - it's awesome to have a homecooked meal with so little effort) and tonight I did yet another variation on the Easy Layered Beans and Rice - a healthful and welcome alternative to fast food that was so very tempting while in the throws of utter exhaustion (especially now that we live toward the end of town with all the fast food and restaurants). Cooking was a very welcome retreat from the moving drudgery.

Tomorrow we close on our old house and will offically be moved. The unpacking begins in earnest, but it is always much more relaxed to unpack than to pack. I'll look forward to the puttering, rather than the frantic loading and unloading. The kitchen is mostly put together - at the top of my priority list, of course - but there are still a few things to get in place so that I'm not constantly rummaging through bags to find what I need.

I'm off to get my hair cut and colored tonight - it was tempting to cancel and just stay home, but I wouldn't mind getting away from the chaos for a while and just sit and relax without a box in sight to make me feel guilty or unproductive.

I am looking forward to getting back to blogging regularly again, so stay tuned for Turducken, a Cookie Swap and a Room with a View..............

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