Here I am! I didn't blow it off or forget!
Let's see.....first let's review the things that went right last week.
#1. I joined the Y. I did check out one other gym that's a little closer, but they charge $80/month for one person! The Y charges $33/month for one person and $50/month for a whole family! That decision was a no-brainer. Even the extra gas money required to drive a little farther to the Y won't negate the difference. One thing I really like about this Y is that they have a women's-only room. It doesn't have a lot of equipment in it, but what it does have is free weights in all the sizes I like and since it's usually fairly empty, I can have them and the room almost to myself! Love that. And I'm hoping that during the summers, they will let me temporarily bump up my membership to a family membership so that the boys can join me.
#2. I didn't bake any cookies. That may seem like a small thing, but my baking spree this winter meant that we had something sweet on hand nearly all the time. I have a compulsion with cookies - I can't eat just one. I'm sure that was adding up to AT LEAST an extra 300-400 calories a day! And calories loaded with saturated fat, no less. Not good. We're all going through cookie withdrawal right now, but I need to stop! Good thing is, the warmer weather will naturally tone down my urge to bake.
#3. I didn't just join the Y, I exercised and even better, I did some strength training. That's what I really need - to do weights and build my muscle back. In addition to doing weights twice last week, I walked more. The weather is turning warmer and it's finally easier for Bailey and I to get out and walk again - no more ice and snow. I'm trying to take longer walks too - 45 minutes to one hour instead of just 30 minutes. Still, on the days where I'm feeling lazy, even 20-30 minutes is still decent.
As for what didn't go so well, I'm sure I still overate on several days. I know I really need to count calories. But have I mentioned that hate it? Still, shorts/capris weather is just around the corner and I have almost nothing to wear - unless I can lose the weight and fit back into the clothes in my closet. That's one thing I'm not liking about the warmer weather - the frightening thought that I won't be able to hide under my winter clothes any longer! That's a good thing really - a motivator - but I'm really going to be stuck for work clothes! Ugh.
So, this week I just need to continue the exercise, continue not baking cookies and count calories. Starting today.
I'd better get going and try to get to the Y to sneak in a workout...............